The South...where family, place, roots and tradition are the essence of identity

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Welcome July

Welcome July......

Here's to more 100 plus degree temps, and living in the South, and some days you wonder if painting your face and coiffing your hairdo is a waste of time! It's not the heat that gets me, it's that dang humidity; 100% humidity, and sometimes from Spring until Fall, and yes, you will "sweat like a hog" of those good 'ole Southern expressions ~

Here's to tan lines, bronzed skin and freckles ~

Here's to backyard grilling, family, friends. pool time and if you're lucky, sweet summer rain.

Let's welcome July even with its sultry heat and humidity......because July marks the halfway point......we're that much closer to cooler weather way off in the distance, and it signals another year passing by quickly.

Welcome to new changes and can't have one without the other!

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