The South...where family, place, roots and tradition are the essence of identity

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Someday You'll Thank Me For This ~ The Official Southern Ladies Guide To Being A "Perfect Mother"

I just finished reading this jovial guide to that matchless creature ~~~ the Southern mother.

Written by Gayden Metcalfe and Charlotte Hays, also best selling authors of Being Dead Is No Excuse and Somebody's Going to Die If Lily Beth Doesn't Catch That Bouquet, deliver a hilarious look into the trials and tribulations of being the daughter of a Southern mother.

Signs that you are the daughter of a Southern mother:

You are obsessed with who got Aunt Boo Boo's silver tea service

You never leave home without making your bed

You know about deviled eggs plates, pledge pins, and the importance of middle names

You speak to everybody, even tacky people

You know what tomato aspic is


You might be a Southern mother if......

You run into a friend, and the first words out of your mouth

are "How's yo mo-thuh?"

You straighten up the house prior to your housekeeper's arrival

for fear she will quit if she sees how things really get someday

Southern society is arranged along matriarchal lines, since the Southern matriarch is a far more formidable being than the much nicer Southern male. She has to be this way; she was put on this earth with a sacred mission: to drum good manners and the proper religion~~ancestor worship~~into the next generation! If you weren't there in person in a Southern household, this is the best way to re-live what Southern mammas tell their daughters!

Up next......Somebody's Going To Die If Lily Beth Doesn't Catch That Bouquet ; )


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